We start work in the new library system

We have completed the migration to the new library system. As of 26 November 2024, Registration Point, Circulation Desk, Interlibrary Loan Office, Reading Room and 19th Century Publications Department Reading Room are open again. Processes related to the use of the resources of the University of Warsaw Library and Information System are handled by the Alma system, and searching the BUW collection is possible thanks to the Primo search engine.

How to use Primo? Check out the practical guide here.

What to know to start with:

The Primo search engine:

  • provides access to a variety of resources: catalogue of the UW Libraries and other academic libraries in Poland, a licensed electronic sources (databases, e-journals, e-books and articles), an electronic Open Access sources and the resources of the UW Crispa Digital Library and the UW Institutional Repository
  • resources can be searched without logging in, however, logging to the your library account when using Primo is recommended as this enables you to:
    • check the availability of books,
    • order copies from the UW Libraries and Faculty Libraries,
    • check your library account balance and renew borrowed items,
    • browse through electronic resources,
    • save descriptions and searches.

Logging into the system:

  • the login details (library card number and password) have remained unchanged.

Practical information on using new catalogue, logging into reader’saccount, searching, requesting and borrowing can be found in the Primo search engine How to use Guide.

  • the list of currently borrowed items and retention fees accrued until 8 November 2024 has been transferred to the new system.
We invite you to participate in training sessions on the use of the Primo search engine:

Dates and more information available in the Training tab.

Do you need assistance?

For questions or comments regarding the new system, please contact:

  • Zofia Kajczuk, Plenipotentiary of the Director of BUW for Service Design at: z.kajczuk@uw.edu.pl, phone +48 22 55 25 110.

Icons: Freepik (www.freepik.com) from www.flaticon.com, Retina Display Icons (www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/TWG_Retina_Icons) from The Working Group (blog.twg.ca).