The exhibition “Adhesions. Collage in Book and Artzine Art”, November 14, 2024 – January 19, 2025
The latest events are available here.
The exhibition presents a wide spectrum of the use of the collage technique by artists practicing book art, artzine and visual poetry. It introduces the work of artists from all over the world – from Japan, through Germany and Portugal to Latin America. A cross-section of artistic individualities is presented, which draw from a rich array of references: from native artistic traditions, through Dadaist experiments from under the Kurt Schwitters sign, to contemporary grunge-style independent publications.
The exhibition “Adhesions. Collage in Book Art and Artzine” is the culmination of the “Artists in the Library“ series organized by the University of Warsaw Library in the year of celebrating the 25th anniversary of its premises in Powiśle. At the same time, it is an expression of our aspirations to organize in the future a recurring event in the form of a biennale devoted to book art and other artistic forms combining the written word with visual art, here at the BUW. Art books, and artzines in particular, seem to be a phenomenon that escapes traditional library optics. Perhaps the progressive transfer of communication to the digital world will result in a kind of return to the material, tangible character of books and other publications, expressed precisely through art creations – whether in the form of artbooks created as part of the art school curriculum, or as underground, countercultural zines. This is a phenomenon that libraries should follow intensively.
The exhibition features works by 32 artists:
Poland: Andrzej Jan Bielawski, Joanna Wiszniewska-Domańska, Anna Kłos
Portugal: Miguel Correia, Isabel Baraona, Mide Plácido, José Feitor, Anónimo Coroado, Xavier Almeida, Sal Nunkachov, Pedro Sim, João Pedro Azul
Germany: Petra Lorenz, Sabine Remy, Sefan Heuer, Susanna Lakner, Patrizia Tictac, Horst Tress
Italy: Vittore Baroni, Serse Luigetti, Cinzia Farina, Sara Vattano
Romania: Carmen Mavrea
Netherlands: Ankie van Dijk
Spain: Antonio Martin Ferrand, Pere Sousa
Guatemala: Alvaro Sanchez
Japan: Koji Nagai
The United States of America: Allan Bealy
France: Jérôme Cavailles
Venezuela: Jonathan Sirit
Argentina: Karina Suarez
Belgium: Wim Nival
Independent publishers participating in the exhibition:
Redfoxpress Ireland
Arte Postale!
Edições Pixel-Head
Estrela Decadente
Imprensa Canalha
Laboratório Plano
MP Edições
Revista Invasão
Ultra Violenta
Organizer: Department of Promotion, Exhibitions and Cooperation of the Warsaw University Library
Cooperation: Retroavangarda Gallery
Curators of the exhibition: Dr. Anna Klos, Miguel Correia
Partner of the “Artists in the Library” project: PROMO PRINT
The exhibition will be open from November 14, 2024 – January 19, 2025, from Wednesday to Sunday from 2 to 7 pm (excluding holidays and public holidays).
The opening will take place on November 14, 2024 at 6 pm.
Published: 13 November 2024