Borrowing and returns


UW students may borrow up to 10 volumes for up to 30 days.
Students can borrow the same amount of books from UW faculty libraries.
A book can be renewed up to 5 times, unless it’s already overdue or it’s been reserved by someone else.

Books located in the Open Stacks have colourful stickers on them. Books with a blue or white sticker can be borrowed and taken home. To do so, go to the Circulation Desk or use a SelfCheck Stacion. (How do the selfchecks work at BUW).

If you need more information, check here or ask us!


Books from BUW can be returned:

  • to the return box by the main entrance
  • at the Circulation Desk
  • or in a SelfCheck station

How do the selfchecks work at BUW.

Remember about the due dates (check them on your account) – the fine for each day of failing to return a book is 0,40 PLN, in the case of Kindle readers – 1.00 PLN for each day. Overdue returns and fees block your library account.

In the case of losing or damaging a borrowed book, please contact us via mail:

If you need more information, check out this page or ask us!

Icons: Freepik ( from, Retina Display Icons ( from The Working Group (