
UW students and employees holding an ELS (Electronic Student ID) and ELP (Electronic Employee ID)

Links to activate the library account remotely:

Online account activation for UW students and employees

If there are problems with online registration, please contact:

Registration possible also in the Library – Registration point is situated on the ground floor on the left side from the entrance from Lipowa street

Opening hours:

  • Monday- Saturday 9 am – 9 pm,
  • Sunday – closed.
 UW students and employees who do not hold an electronic ID (ELS/ELP)

Documents required to register:

To obtain a BUW library card you need to produce:

  1. in the case of a pass entitling the visitor to use collections on the premises (or, in special cases, of a one-day ticket):
    1. a passport or other photo ID (for instance a school ID card, a residence card or an ID card),
    2. or any valid photo ID with PESEL number;
  2. in the case of a pass entitling to use the collections on the premises and to borrow items outside the Library – the data placed in USOSWeb are checked. In addition, the following documents will be requested:
    1. UW students of all degrees – a valid student ID/PhD Student ID;
    2. students of UW postgraduate diploma courses – valid photo ID and, in the absence of an entry to USOSWeb, a student enrollment sheet with current semester entries;
    3. UW employees – valid photo ID (e.g. a passport, a residence card or an ID card), possibly an ELP card (Electronic Employee ID); and employment contract (in the absence of an entry to USOSWeb);
    4. visiting professors – a document with a photo (e.g. a passport, an ID card, a residence card), a certificate from a UW faculty;
    5. professors from other tertiary institutes and research institutes – a valid photo ID (a passport, a residence card or an ID card), and a document confirming the status of an independent research associate;
    6. persons doing short-term exchange studies (e.g. MOST), scientific internship or those participating in other programmes at UW– a valid photo ID (e.g. a student ID card, a passport, a residence card or an ID card) and a certificate from the academic unit of UW confirming the student status;
    7. UW extramural PhD students, who may only use a deposit account – a certificate from the UW advisor, photo ID (e.g. a passport, a residence card or an ID card), an application with the consent of the head of the Circulation Department or a person authorized to open an account;
    8. UW employees with the contract for mandate or for specific work, who may only use a deposit account – a certificate of employment, a photo ID (e.g. a passport, a residence card or an ID card), an application with the consent of the head of the Circulation Department or a person authorized to open an account;
    9. members of the UW Alumni Club – a valid Club membership card;
    10. students with a certificate of completion – a student ID or a passport or other photo ID (e.g. a residence card or an ID card), as well as the certificate of completion issued by a UW Faculty.

The library card entitles you to access BUW collections on the premises and to borrow books.

When joining BUW the reader obtains a library account password, which enables you to:

  • check your account status,
  • order books and periodicals from the UW libraries online catalogue and Web card catalogue from the closed stacks to the Main Reading Room or the Circulation Desk,
  • reserve borrowed books from the UW libraries online catalogue,
  • access electronic resources on home computers (only for UW students and employees),
  • use the Internet at BUW.

How and where can you change the password? At BUW – at the Circulation Desk and on the website of the UW libraries online catalogue after logging into your library account.

When joining BUW, the reader agrees to comply with the Regulations for accessing the collections.

Registration takes place at the Registration point situated on the ground floor on the left side from the entrance from Lipowa street

Opening hours:

  • Monday- Saturday 9 am – 9 pm,
  • Sunday – closed.
  Other visitors

BUW cards can be issued to anyone over 16 years old who accepts the provisions of the Regulations for accessing the collections. However, visitors who are not UW students or employees may access the collections only on the premises, without the right to borrow books to take home. This does not apply to students of institutes taking part in the BiblioWawa programme.

To the University of Warsaw Library may register users over 16 years of age who provide a written consent of their legal guardian according to the template specified by the head of the Circulation Department.

Registration takes place at the Registration point situated on the ground floor on the left side from the entrance from Lipowa street

Opening hours:

  • Monday- Saturday 9 am – 9 pm,
  • Sunday – closed.

Documents necessary to register (applies to foreigners):

  • a passport,
  • or a residence card.


  • setting up a library account and issuing a library card and/or its activation (for a year) – 20 PLN,
  • a duplicate library card – 20 PLN,
  • prolonging (renewal) of a library account – 10 PLN.

When joining BUW the reader receives a library card and a password.
The password allows you to order items from the UW libraries online catalogue and from digitalised card catalogues of books and periodicals from closed stacks to the Main Reading Room and to access the Internet at BUW.

Non-UW professors and holders of post-doctoral degrees may borrow books outside BUW, but when they join the library (or extend the validity of their library card), they are required to produce a document confirming their status of an independent researcher in their country of origin and a valid photo ID (a passport, an ID card).

 Renewal of library cards

Before coming to BUW, please check the validity of your account.

  • UW Students: If your account has expired, you need to come with a valid ELS to the Circulation Desk or to the Registration stand or to your faculty library.
  • UW Employees: The activation of an Electronic Employee ID as a library card guarantees you an automatic renewal of your library account on the basis of the data from the USOS system. Activate your ELP.
    If your library account connected to your ELP is not extended automatically, you need to send an e-mail to the address:, in which you need to give your library card number, your full name and your organizational unit. Please note! Extending the validity of your library card does not result in renewing your borrowed items! You must renew your items online or in person at BUW.
  • Professors and holders of post-doctoral degrees from other tertiary institutes, PAN (the Polish Academy of Sciences) and research institutes: to extend the validity of your library card please produce a valid photo ID.
  • Persons doing short-term exchange studies, scientific internship or those participating in other programmes at UW: to extend the validity of your library card please produce an appropriate certificate from the UW academic unit and your library card.

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