Repositories are platforms for collecting, storing, indexing and sharing electronic versions of research papers. They contain, among other things, articles, monographs, dissertations, preprints, postprints, conference presentations, research reports, and didactic works. Moreover, repositories can collect audio, photo and video materials, as well as raw research data.
Repositories are divided into:
- institutional repositories, which gather scientific achievements of a given institution,
- subject, or disciplinary, repositories, which collect research data from a particular subject area.
The development of repositories is related to the worldwide spread of the Open Access movement, whose supporters postulate open access to scientific and educational content.
According to ROAR (Registry of Open Access Repositories), there are 120 repositories in Poland, including digital libraries, the resources of which include most often (but not only) historical collections of libraries, works available in the public domain (not covered by copyright).
Polish repositories
AMUR (Adam Mickiewicz University Repository) ) – institutional repository
Base of Knowledge Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw University of Technology Repository – institutional repository
CeON (CeON Repository) – open-access repository
Cyrena (Lodz University of Technology Repository) – institutional repository
ECNIS-NIOM Repository (Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine) –institutional repository
ENY (Electrical Engineering Wroclaw University of Technology) –institutional repository
eRIKA (The Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University’s Repository) – institutional repository
IBB PAS Repository (Polish Academy of Sciences – Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish) –institutional repository
Lectorium (Open Repository of Historical Sciences) – subject repository
oPUB (Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa Repository) – institutional repository
RCIN (Digital Repository of Scientific Institutes) – institutional repository
PCSS (Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center) – institutional repository
RePOLIS (Silesian University of Technology Digital Repository)
Digital Repository of UTP in Bydgoszcz – institutional repository
Poznan University of Technology Scientific Repository – institutional repository
Repository PJATK – The Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
Digital Library – The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow – institutional repository.
RUJ (Jagiellonian University Repository) – institutional repository.
RUŁ (The University of Lodz Repository) – institutional repository.
RUW (University of Warsaw Repository) – institutional repository.
RUWr (Repository of University of Wroclaw) – institutional repository.
WIR – Wroclaw University of Economics
Aggregator CeON – Aggregator of the Center for Open Science is a single access point to Polish open access repositories. It provides greater visibility of Polish research output.
Repositories in the world
SHERPA/RoMEO (Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving)
Lists of repositories
OpenDOAR (The Directory of Open Access Repositories)
ROAR (Registry of Open Access Repositories)
Selected repositories
MIT – Repository Massachusetss Institute of Technology.
RePEc (Research Papers in Economic)
Worth a look
BASE (Wyszukiwarka Bielefeld University Library)
DOAB (Directory of Open Access Book)
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
DART-Europe (DART-Europe E-thesis Portal)
University of Warsaw Repository
UW Repository is run by the University of Warsaw Library.
It was started in 2012 in cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modeling UW (ICM).
The UW Repository collection consists of PhD dissertations defended at the University of Warsaw.
Contact the editors:
phone: +48 22 55 27 139 (Monday – Friday 9-16)