Online databases
Electronic journals from current subscriptions to individual foreign titles.
Academic Research Source (EBSCO)
Academic Research Source – multidisciplinary collection, which consists of two parts:
- Academic Research Source eJournals – over 5,000 international journals, including approximately 570 Polish scientific journals,
- Academic Research Source eBooks – over 180,000 electronic books.
Attention! Academic Research Source eBooks database will replace the existing eBook Academic Collection.
multidisciplinary full-text
Academic Search Ultimate (EBSCO)
Multidiscyplinary database is a leading resource for scholarly research. It supports high-level research in the key areas of academic study by providing journals, periodicals, reports, books and more.
multidisciplinary full-text
ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery)
The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing: the Full-Text Collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books; A collection of curated and hosted full-text publications from select publishers; The ACM Guide to Computing Literature, a comprehensive bibliographic database focused exclusively on the field of computing; A richly interlinked set of connections among authors, works, institutions, and specialized communities.
ACS (American Chemical Society) Journals and Magazines
The American Chemical Society is the leading publisher of peer-reviewed research journals in the chemical and related sciences, serving scientific communities worldwide through an unparalleled commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation.
Agricola (EBSCO)
Containing bibliographic records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Library, AGRICOLA provides millions of citations relating to the field of agriculture. Citations are comprised of journal articles, book chapters, theses, patents, software, audiovisual materials and technical reports to support agricultural research.
AHFS Consumer Medication Information (EBSCO)
AIP (American Institute of Physics)
AIP Publishing’s portfolio comprises 19 highly regarded, peer-reviewed journals, including the flagship journals Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, and The Journal of Chemical Physics, in addition to the AIP Conference Proceedings.
APS (American Physical Society)
Database of journals APS: Physical Review A, B, C, D i E, Physical Review Letters i Reviews of Modern Physic.
Archives Physical Review (Series I) and Physical Review 1893–1969.
Atla Religion Database with Atla Serials PLUS (EBSCO)
Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen Age Tardif (Brepolis)
Brill Covid-19 Collection
More than 30 leading STM publishers have committed to making all of their COVID-19 and coronavirus-related publications immediately accessible. At Brill we have opened up books and articles on topics such as public health, distance learning, crisis research.
Business Source Ultimate (EBSCO)
With premium full-text content and peer-reviewed business journals, this database is an essential tool for business students. It covers all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance and more.
bibliographic, full-text offers the comprehensive online collection of francophone publications in social sciences and humanities. More than 450 journals and 8.000 eBooks (representing over 300.000 articles/chapters) from major French, Belgian and Swiss publishers.
Database sponsored Wallonie-Bruxelles International.
Cambridge Journals
Multidisciplinary collection of electronic journals Cambridge University Press.
CAS SciFinder (Chemical Abstracts)
As the authoritative source for chemical names, structures and CAS Registry Numbers®, the CAS substance collection, CAS REGISTRYSM, serves as a universal standard for chemists worldwide.
CEEOL - Central and Eastern European Online Library
CEEOL is a leading provider of academic e-journals and e-books in the Humanities and Social Sciences from and about Central and Eastern Europe.
ClinicalKey Student
CUP Colection (Cambridge University Press)
Czytelnia Czasopism Prawniczych on-line
Only in Polish
Database of Latin Dictionaries (Brepolis)
Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques (Brepolis)
Dictionnaire d’histoire et de geographie ecclesiastiques (Brepolis)
Ebookpoint BIBLIO (Helion)
A multimedia digital library containing approx. 7.000 publications, mainly by Helion and Onepress, in three formats (e-books, audiobooks, video courses) in the following areas:
- Technique and Mechanics
- Operating Systems
- Electronics
- Graphics / Video / CAX
- Programming
- Computer Networks
- Big Data
- Machine Learning
- Mobile devices
- Web development
- Office
- Development tools
- Popular science and academic
- Business and Economy
- Foreign Languages
- Mathematics
Books can be read by 5 users simultaneously.
To download / borrow a book, you must create an individual user account on the platform.
Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online
The Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics offers a comprehensive overview of the languages of the Slavic language family and the different ways in which they are and have been studied. It provides authoritative treatment of all important aspects of the Slavic language family from its Indo-European origins to the present day, as well as consideration of interaction of Slavic with other languages.
ERIC - Educational Resource Information Center (EBSCO)
Essential Science Indicators (Clarivate Analytics)
ESO - European Sources Online (Cardiff University)
European Sources Online, the added value information service that focuses on the European Union, the countries of Europe and on issues of concern to citizens and stakeholders in the Europe of today.
European View of America 1403-1750 (EBSCO)
This database provides scholarly, government and general-interest sources covering the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and governments and what can be done at each level to minimize negative impacts.
Grove Music Online (Oxford)
The authoritative resource for music research with over 57,000 articles written by over 6,000 scholars charting the diverse history and cultures of music around the globe.
Health Source - Consumer Edition (EBSCO)
This rich collection of consumer health information provides access to full-text consumer health magazines and reference books. It also includes searchable full text for current health pamphlets.
Health Source - Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCO)
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition is a trusted full-text database covering nursing and allied health topics, including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, nursing management, medical law and more.
IBUK Libra - electronic books
The IBUK Libra platform, owned by Polish Scientific Publishers PWN, was launched in 2007. Since then it has provided access to electronic publications and, for those who are interested, other educational resources from the PWN Group portfolio. The virtual reading room comprises a collection of a dozen or so thousands of specialist, scientific, popular-science and fiction books published by the most important and renowned Polish publishing houses.
PWN Oxford Dictionary – 1 000 000 English and Polish lexical items meanings, words, typical word collocations, phrases and idioms
InCites (Clarivate Analytics)
In Principio (Brepolis)
Index Religiosus - International Bibliography of Theology, Church History and Religious Studies (Brepolis)
International Bibliography of Theology, Church History and Religious Studies Bibliographic database, contains almost 600 thousand descriptions of scientific publications on theology, religious studies and church history.
Access will be available during the project period, i.e. until January 2021.
Infona (ICM UW)
Scientific communication portal, where national magazine magazines are also archived. Website created by ICM UW.
bibliographic, full-text
International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages (Brepolis)
International Medieval Bibliography - IMB (Brepolis)
Brepolis is the home of all online projects of Brepols Publishers and its partners, aimed at the international community of humanities scholars.
IOP science (Institute of Physics Publishing)
Database of Institute of Physics Publishing.
Jacoby Online
The digital equivalent of the six-volume work of Felix Jacoby Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (Polish Fragments of Greek Historians) – a collection of fragments of the works of historians of ancient Greece, whose works were not found, but are known from citations or summaries.
Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics)
JSTOR provides access to more than 10 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
Art & Humanities I-IX, XI-XIII, XV collections are available.
JSTOR Open Access Books - electronic books
Electronic books in free access.
LEX Omega
L'Anne Philologique (Brepolis)
Lexicon des Mittelalters Online (Brepolis)
Library of Latin Texts (Brepolis)
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (EBSCO)
Created by librarians for librarians, this database provides cover-to-cover indexing, abstracting and full-text for key library and information science periodicals.
Literary Reference Center Plus (EBSCO)
This robust full-text database provides the most relevant information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. It gives students, teachers and librarians a complete foundation of literary reference works to meet their research needs.
Loeb Classical Library (Harvard University Press)
MathSciNet via EBSCOhost (EBSCO)
This electronic publication of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) offers access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for mathematical sciences literature.
MasterFILE Premier (EBSCO)
Designed specifically for public libraries, this database provides full-text magazines, reference books and primary source documents. It also includes an extensive image collection containing photos, maps and flags.
Created by the United States National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE is an authoritative bibliographic database containing citations and abstracts for biomedical and health journals used by health care professionals, nurses, clinicians and researchers.
Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print (EBSCO)
Produced by the Buros Center for Testing at the University of Nebraska, this resource is essential for evaluating contemporary testing instruments. Designed for novices and professionals alike, it contains full-text reviews for test products in psychology, education, business and leadership. In addition, it provides a bibliography to all known commercially available English-language tests currently in print.
MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO)
Produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA), the electronic version of the bibliography dates back to the 1920s and contains millions of citations from journals and series, as well as book publishers.
MLA Directory of Periodicals (EBSCO)
Monumenta Germaniae Historica Online (Brepolis)
Open access to approx. 2,000 books in the humanities and social sciences, and temporary access, due to Covid -19, to almost 250,000 books from over 200 university publishing houses and scientific societies.
Books with open access are marked with the “OA” icon, books are temporarily available with the “Free” icon.
Nature - portal
Access to titles: Nature, Nature Astronomy, Nature Chemistry, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Photonics, Nature Physics.
Newspaper Source (EBSCO)
Newspaper Source provides cover-to-cover full text for hundreds of national (U.S.), international and regional newspapers. In addition, it offers television and radio news transcripts from major networks.
Newswires (EBSCO)
OECD iLibrary
OECD iLibrary is the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring its books, papers and statistics and is the gateway to OECD’s analysis and data.
OECD iLibrary also contains content published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and the International Transport Forum (ITF).
Attention! Access only to Open Access resources.
Oxford Dictionaries
Oxford English Dictionary
An electronic dictionary of English with an extensive part for linguists.
Oxford Journals
A multidisciplinary collection of electronic journals from the Oxford University Press with archives since 1996.
Oxford Scholarship Online
The collection comprises more than 30,000 e-books in various fields.
Subject categories represented:
- Arts and Humanities
- Law
- Medicine and Health
- Science and Mathematics
- Social Sciences
Patrologia Orientalis Database (Brepolis)
Philosopher's Index with Full Texts (EBSCO)
ProQuest Central
ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical resource available, bringing together complete databases across all major subject areas, including Business, Health and Medical, Language and Literature, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, Philosophy, and includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.
ProQuest Ebook Central
There are 92 publications in the collection that you can see when you click Search.
To download a book, you must have an account on the platform.
PsycArticles (EBSCO)
The database of full-text peer-reviewed articles published by the American Psychological Association and affiliated journals.
PSYNDEX: Literature and Audiovisual Media with PSYNDEX Tests (EBSCO)
This database provides comprehensive abstracts of psychological literature, audiovisual media, intervention programs and tests from German-speaking countries.
Reaxys (Elsevier)
The database of scientific materials in the field of chemistry, containing various materials: research results, patents, literature and structures of chemical bonds.
Regional Business News (EBSCO)
Regional Business News provides full-text regional business publications for the United States and Canadian provinces. Users can search newspapers, magazines and other resources from trusted news sources.
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (EBSCO)
Produced by Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale, this comprehensive music bibliography features citations, abstracts, and subject indexing. It facilitates both focused research and browsing for readers of all levels. From hip hop to Händel, from ethnomusicology to music therapy, from elementary music education to advanced music theory, RILM is the first stop for the researcher who wants clear, verified bibliographic information.
RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry)
The Royal Society of Chemistry publishes 44 peer-reviewed journals that cover the core chemical sciences including related fields such as biology, biophysics, energy and environment, engineering, materials, medicine and physics.
SAGE Journals
A multidisciplinary collection of electronic journals. In order to gain access to full texts, go to advanced search and narrow down the view of titles to “SAGE Journals Available to Me”.
ScienceDirect (the publisher server Elsevier)
A multidisciplinary collection of electronic journals by Elsevier along with archives since 1995.
Science Direct - electronic books (Elsevier)
Books are available on the current ScienceDirect publisher platform in the Books tab.
To access full-text titles, use the All Access Types filter on the right side of the screen and select Full-text access.
Science Direct (server INFONA)
Archives of Elsevier journals on the Polish-language INFONA Scientific Communication Portal.
Scientific & Medical ART Imagebase (EBSCO)
Ideal for students and teachers of anatomy, physiology, biology and other life sciences, Scientific & Medical ART Imagebase (SMART Imagebase) contains downloadable medical illustrations, animations and interactive multimedia.
SciVal (Elsevier)
Scopus (Elsevier)
A multidisciplinary database of abstracts and citation in the field of mathematical-natural sciences, technical, medical and humanities. The Scopus database also provides the Hirsch index, which is calculated based on publications from the 1970s.
Sociology Source Ultimate (EBSCO)
Sociology Source Ultimate database will replace the existing SocIndex with Full Text.
Sources Chretiennes Online (Brepolis)
SpringerLink - the publisher server
SpringerLink - electronic books
Springer books: archives of book series, including 17 series from the first volume to the year 2008 and further 9 series with archives from 1997-2008.
Springer (server INFONA)
Taylor & Francis
Teacher Reference Center (EBSCO)
A complimentary research database for teachers, Teacher Reference Center (TRC) provides indexing and abstracts for more than 220 peer-reviewed journals.
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. A Digital Library of Greek Literature (University of California Irvine
Vetus Latina Database (Brepolis)
On this platform there is a multidisciplinary collection of English manuals, these are books transferred from the Dawsoner database and one new title.
Web of Science (the publisher server Clarivate Analytics)
Web of Science (server ICM)
Wiley Online Library
Wiley Online Library - electronic books