
Note! This is an archival entry.
The latest news is available here.

We would like to inform you that from 1 February 2023, the cloakroom situated on the site of Lipowa street is open.

Opening hours of the cloakroom:
Monday – Saturday  8am – 10 p.m.
Sunday  3 – 8 p.m.

There are 400 cloakroom numbers. In case the cloackroom gets full, use the self-service lockers. Keys to the lockers are available at the security staff post at the entrance to the Library.

Attention! After the library closes (Monday-Saturday at 10 p.m., Sunday at 8 p.m.), uncollected outerwear will be moved along with the cloakroom numbers, to the stand near the security staff post at the entrance to the Library.

Use of the cloakroom is not obligatory.

Icons: Freepik ( from, Retina Display Icons ( from The Working Group (