Drama Online – baza do testowania do 25 października 2023 r.

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Zachęcamy do testowania bazy Drama Online.

Dostęp do bazy do 25 października 2023 r.

Wejście do bazy z sieci UW Wejście do bazy spoza sieci UW

Baza zawiera materiały tekstowe, audio i wideo z zakresu sztuki, teatru, literaturoznawstwa i składa się z 39 niezależnych modułów:

  1. Core Collection
  2. Nick Hern Books Modern Plays
  3. Playwrights Canada Press
  4. Aurora Metro Books
  5. Oberon Books Collection
  6. Theatre Communications Group Play Collection
  7. Currency Press
  8. Critical Studies & Performance Practice
  9. „New customers”
  10. Critical Studies & Performance Practice
  11. „Existing Core Pepertual Customers”
  12. L.A. Theatre Works
  13. Shakespeare’s Globe on Screen (2008-2015)
  14. Shakespeare’s Globe on Screen 2 (2016-2018)
  15. Stage on Screen
  16. Shakespeare in the Present
  17. Maxine Peake as Hamlet
  18.  The Hollow Crown 1
  19. BBC Drama Films 1
  20. RSC Live Collection
  21. Shakespeare’s Heroes and Villains
  22. National Theatre Collection 1
  23. National Theatre Collection 2
  24. The Classic Spring Oscar Wilde Collection
  25. The Donmar Shakespeare Trilogy on Screen Collection
  26. Stratford Festival Shakespeare Collection
  27. Theatre Performance and Practice Video Library
  28. Globe to Globe
  29. Asian Theatre Video Collection
  30. British, American and Australian Theatre Video Collection
  31. European Theatre Video Collection
  32. Playwrights and Practitioners Video Collection
  33. Shakespeare Video Collection
  34. Theatre Making and Performance Training Video Collection
  35. Oberon Books Collection 2
  36. Shakespeare’s Globe to Globe Festival on Screen 2
  37. National Theatre Collection 3
  38. Focal Press Theatre Books
  39. Ken Rea’s The Outstanding Actor Training Workshop


Ikony: Freepik (www.freepik.com) z www.flaticon.com, Retina Display Icons (www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/TWG_Retina_Icons) od The Working Group (blog.twg.ca).